The term lesion is used to describe an abnormal area of tissue, or structure, in the body. Osteopathically, as a manual practitioner it is my job to determine a patient’s lesion pattern and unwind it, in order to restore proper function to the body’s tissues. This is done through hands on manipulation. Lesioning in the body is common and nothing to be afraid of. Every day as human beings we withdraw from our health bank accounts by simply existing. When we add exercise, work postures, repetitive movements, trauma, and stress we withdrawal extra. These ‘withdrawals’ are expressed as lesions in the body. Lesions act as compensatory mechanisms to allow us to keep doing what we are doing, even though it is sub optimal on the body. Osteopathy in this sense can act as a deposit into your health bank account. It’s like a tune up for your body, to keep it lasting longer.
The goal of an Osteopathic Manual Practitioner is to make sure the blood path to and from your heart are free and clear from obstruction. You might ask why, and the answer is that without proper blood flow tissues become unhealthy. The term tissue extending to skin, connective tissue, fascia, muscle, ligament, bone, and organ. They all need nutrient and oxygen rich blood to thrive.
Common osteopathy questions:
Who should get osteopathy?Osteopathy is for everyone! Wether you have chronic issue(s) you are dealing with, or an acute injury, osteopathy is for you.
How long do I have to get osteopathy to feel better?The truthful answer is that it depends. Each person has a unique lesion pattern. How long it has been there, how severe it is, and how willing the patient is too investing in the healing process will determine the amount of sessions needed.
How many times a week do I have to come?Only once, which will progress to once every couple weeks, to months, to quarterly tune ups. Unless your case is extremely acute. In that case I see you for very short periods more frequently until the pain has subsided and you can resume a semi regular day. The body is self healing and self regulating. We always want to give it time to take on treatment, and then work to maintain the treatment. The body is so much smarter than we give it credit for!
Can I exercise after treatment?It is recommended that you give yourself at least 24 hours after treatment before exercising. Your body needs time to take on the treatment and get acquainted to its new posture. If you exercise too soon after treatment you will pull out all the work that has been done.
What do I wear to treatment?Please wear comfy/flexible clothes that cover all body parts. Dresses, skirts, short shorts and crop tops are not acceptable treatment wear.
Will I have any adverse affects post treatment?Osteopathy elicits physiological change. What that means is that you may feel some changes to your normal state post treatment, and those responses will be unique to you. I will go over what this means more specifically in your treatment. Overall, it is nothing to be worried about and very normal- it means the body is responding to treatment.
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